Monday, April 18, 2011



Form: 5 Merah

Date: 17th March 2011 (Thursday)

Subject: English

Time: 80 Minutes (10.40am – 12.00pm)

Topic: Dangers of getting into bad habit

Level: Intermediate

Theme: Health

General Objective:

1.2 Take part in social interaction by

a. Carrying out a variety of language functions

b. Discussing plans and arrangements, solving problems, and making decisions.

Specific Objective: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

Level 1

i. Asking about one’s health / physical state.

ii. Asking one to think about / decide on something.

iii. Persuading someone not to do something.

iv. Asking about satisfaction and expressing satisfaction

Learning outcome

Make friends and keep friendships by:

1. Introducing oneself

2. Taking part in conversations and discussions;

3. Exchanging ideas, information and opinions on topics of interest.

Language Skills:

  • Reading
  • Speaking
  • Listening


1. To give information on health education

2. Have a positive outlook and act appropriately in social situations; and

3. Show awareness on the importance of having a healthy lifestyle.


- Language for Interpersonal use

- Language for Informational use

Technical Requirements:

- One computer per group, with an Internet connection, a Web Browser, handouts.

- Websites:




1. Find sites that are related to the dangers and bad effects of smoking cigarettes.

2. Check sites before lesson.

Reference(s): Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran KBSM – Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 5 (2003),




Set Induction:

(5 Minutes)

Teacher builds rapport with the students and asks them whether they can identify any smokers among their family and friends. Teacher then asks the students to list down any diseases that one can get from smoking cigarettes.


(70 Minutes)

Step 1: Teacher distributes handouts entitled ‘Dangers of Smoking’ and randomly asks several students to read aloud the text in front of the class. Teacher will explain unfamiliar terms or words in the text and assists the students’ reading process whenever they got problems. Teacher collects the handouts.

Step 2: Students are told to get into groups of four students. Each group will be working together using one computer.

Step 3: The teacher will write down the websites’ link on the whiteboard and asks the groups to enter the website on the topic ‘Dangers of Smoking’.

Step 4: Students are allowed to watch the videos for two times only and while watching the videos, teacher asks every group to lists down the danger and the effects of smoking cigarettes contained in the videos.

Step 5: Teacher assigns each group to discuss on the effects of smoking on the 1) Individual 2) Family 3) Society 4) Environment. Each group will be given one category. For example, the first group will discuss on the effect of smoking to an individual.

Step 6: Teacher will provide the students with mahjong paper and marker pens for their presentations later on. Teacher assists the whole activity.

Step 7: Teacher randomly select a few groups to present their topics and give comments and intrinsic motivations to the groups’ presentations.


(5 Minutes)

Teacher concludes the lesson by congratulating all students for a job well done.


Teacher asks the students to write a simple essay on the ‘Dangers of Smoking’ based on their main points from the previous activities and submit the exercise during the next lesson.


Dangers of Smoking

There are many dangers of smoking to the body, to the immediate family, to the society, to the environment and to the economy. More than 700 chemical additives are found in cigarettes. Some of them are classified as toxic and are not allowed in food. Once lit, a cigarette reaches a temperature of nearly 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. This high heat helps release thousands of chemical compounds, including poisons like carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide, at least 43 carcinogens, and numerous mutagens. All of these are drawn into the body when a smoker inhales.

One of the main dangers of smoking is due to Nicotine. Nicotine is found naturally in tobacco. It has no odor and no color. It is, however, both physically and psychologically addictive, and it causes those who use it to want to smoke one cigarette after another. Nicotine enters the body as tiny droplets resting on particles of tar in cigarette smoke. Inhaled into the lungs, the drug passes quickly into the bloodstream, reaching the brain within about 10 seconds. In another 5 to 10 seconds the nicotine has spread to all parts of the body.

The nicotine raises both the heart rate and blood pressure. The smoker quickly feels more alert and relaxed. In less than 30 minutes, however, about half of the nicotine has left the bloodstream, and the smoker starts feeling less alert, more edgy. So he or she reaches for another cigarette to get a new “hit” of nicotine. Over time, the smoker starts needing more cigarettes throughout the day to satisfy the craving.

There are other dangers of smoking as well. The tar from tobacco smoke starts to accumulate on the bronchial tubes leading to the lungs. The hot smoke burns the tiny hairlike projections (called cilia) that trap harmful particles before they enter the lungs. One more of the dangers of smoking are Carbon monoxide. Smoking also increases the level of carbon monoxide in the lungs. This poisonous gas is quickly absorbed into the blood, reducing its capacity to carry oxygen. As a result, the smoker has to exert more physical effort to attain a given task than does a nonsmoker. The heart in particular must work harder, particularly during rigorous exercise. Increased levels of carbon monoxide in the blood can impair vision, perception of time, and coordination.

Smoking is the one of the main cause of death every year. Smoking cause number of smoke related diseases such as lung cancer (Smoking and Lung Cancer), respiratory problems and heart ailments and these dangers of smoking are increasing yearly. Certain breathing disabilities are also the dangers of smoking. It could also result in a decreased capability to enjoy physical capabilities because of the ailment or side effects like breathing problems. Smoking leads to reduction in life expectancy.

Over the years a smoker will be more likely to develop respiratory ailments, thickening of the arteries, blood clots, cancer of the lung, cervix, larynx, mouth, esophagus, bladder, pancreas, and kidney, and emphysema, as well as exhibit symptoms such as reduced stamina, poor athletic performance, wheezing, coughing, dizziness, and nausea.

In time, a smoker suffers increased resistance to the flow of air into the lungs and reduced lung capacity. Besides these serious problems, prolonged tobacco use leads to stained teeth and fingers and bad breath. Even a smoker’s clothes and living quarters tend to smell of tobacco.


Evaluating Students’ Performance in Learning Writing Through CALL Applications


The methodology of teaching writing has changed over the years to match students’ performance and interests. In the year 1960s and 1970s, teaching writing were taught using the traditional way which was the product approach where the teacher will focus on form like sentence-level linguistic forms, controlled discourse. As for the instructional activities, the teacher will be focusing on the explicit grammar instruction, sentence combining, tense or voice shifting, choosing or filling transitions, etc. According to Kaplan (1966), and Connor (1996), the product approach is mainly using the Contrastive rhetoric in which the rhetorical patterns differ from culture to culture. Target language rhetorical forms need to be taught as well as linguistic forms.

The teaching of writing then evolved to process approach since the 70s until now where the teacher will focus on the writing process. During the process, some cognitive activities and strategies, and multiple drafts are required during the writing process. Teacher will also provide the students with explicit teaching of strategies at different writing stages such as brainstorming, clustering, outlining, researching and focusing a topic, etc. which are still being practice nowadays in many countries all over the world.

In this rapidly growing era, teaching writing has evolved once more with technology advancement becomes the main tool during the writing process. By having the Computer Assisted Language Learning or CALL Applications in writing process, the students’ motivation and performance will increase progressively compared by using the traditional way. Plus, the learning process will become more interactive and fun in which it will trigger students’ participation and responses during the writing process. In Malaysian education scenario, using CALL applications in teaching writing is still under supervision by the Ministry of Education (MoE) where certain schools were chosen to be one of the catalysts of the education advancement in the country.

Literature Review

With the reference of the research articles that have been chosen for the topic which is ‘Evaluating Students’ Performance in Learning Writing Trough CALL Applications’, there are several elements that capture my interest on doing this topic. Those elements were identified and extracted to become the variables for the topic. The elements that have been identified as the independent variable is the students’ interest towards learning writing by using CALL applications, while the dependent variables will be the students’ performance of using the CALL applications in their writing process.

According to Englert, Stewart and Hiebert (1988), Motivation plays a strong role in cognitive performance, but it is not clear what that role might be in relation to writing. However, researchers believe that students’ motivation can be increased by using the technological advancement in their writing process due to the features that they can get from the CALL applications in which they will not possess in the traditional way of learning writing.

There are several CALL applications that the teacher and students can use to help them in teaching and learning writing such as MS Word, Weblogs, E-Mail, etc. Cunningham (2000) has conducted a study about the usefulness of CALL applications such as MS Word where the analysis of the data showed that students found the computer-based writing class to be challenging and comfortable than the traditional way of writing. He also stated that the CALL application helped the students to improve their performance in writing. Moreover, the application benefited the learners in concentrating their attention on certain aspects of writing such as grammar, word choice and the organization of their compositions. Compared to the traditional way of teaching and learning writing, using CALL applications will bring positive outcomes in which it will contributed to improve writing abilities by increasing the students’ willingness to write and revise, and sharing ideas with others.

On the third article that I found for this topic, in order to use the CALL application in a writing class, the teacher should provide the students with the basic knowledge of computer skills so that the teacher can save time and makesure that all students can learn the writing with the same pace rather than to teach writing and the basic computer skills at the same time. But before word-processing can save time during the actual writing process, students must know how to type and how to use the computer. Typing speeds may be slower without proper instruction in typing; slower typing may lead to less quality and shorter length in writing assignments (MacArthur, 2000; MacArthur, Ferretti, Okolo, & Cavalier, 2001). If students cannot type fluently or must search for letters and numbers, the process may be slower than handwriting. Some students may have the good computer skills as they were exposed to it earlier outside the school compound, thus, they may have higher motivation and may opt to have better performance compared to those who do not have the basic computer skills. Thus, the teacher should provide the students with the skills first in order to teach all students with the same pace so that no students will be left behind, and all students can possess the equal motivation level during the learning process.

In the fourth article, the writer explains about the role of computers in the writing process. The writer believed that the use of computer in writing can make the writers’ job easy and the literature results showed that teachers, peers, instructional strategies and computer software all together have their importance to develop students’ writing ability. According to the Williams (2002), CALL software (applications) such as word processing, speech recognition, word prediction can be a valuable tool for many students especially to those who have learning disabilities to participate in well-developed classroom writing programs. In the same article, the writer also stated that the results of students who use the CALL applications do reflect on their performance in writing class. The result showed that higher ability writers such as the college or university students use prompts or the assisting tools from the CALL applications more often than school students use them, and take advantage of the opportunities given by the software (CALL applications).

In the fifth article, the writer explains about integrating Computer Games into the writing classroom where the use of computer games became the CALL applications for the students. The writer explained that the use of computer games can stimulate the students to participate in the activities with regards of the fun and interactive experience offered by the computer games to them. From that, we know that computer games can enhance students’ motivation to participate into the activity compared to the traditional classroom. After the activity, the teacher will provide the students with writing task such as weblogs where the students can share their experiences, their tactical or the computer games walkthroughs with their peers or other people. According to the writer, students can almost immediately see the effects of their writing as it circulates throughout the game community, seeing how their writing is quoted on blogs and forums but also how it is implemented within the game itself. Students will be better able to see how their “cultural products pass through a range of meanings and uses as they are taken up at various points in the social formation” (Trimbur, 2000, p. 196) of the computer games’ community. So, the use computer games as the CALL applications are believed can improve students’ motivation in learning writing besides to enhance their performance in the writing process.


In a nutshell, teaching and learning writing using CALL applications have its benefits and also the outcomes depending on how it is used. However, the use of CALL applications in education is essential in this era of technological advancement compared to the education back in 20 years ago. For my personal response, I believe that Malaysia is ready to apply the CALL applications in the education at a larger scale due to the readiness of the students towards this exciting feature. Based on the positive results and findings by most researches, it is hoped that this will help Malaysian students to improve their motivation in learning writing and to increase their performance and work rate in any writing programs that include the use of CALL application in the ESL teaching and learning.


Englert, C.S., Stewart, S. R. and Hiebert, E.H. (1988). Young writers use of text structure in

expository text generation. Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol. 80, No. 2, pp. 143 -51.

Cunningham, K. “Integrating CALL into the Writing Curriculum.” The Internet TESL Journal

(, 6, No. 5 (2000).

MacArthur, C. A., Ferretti, R. P., Okolo, C. M., & Cavalier, A. R. (2001). Technology

applications for students with literacy problems: A critical review. The Elementary School Journal, 101, 273–378.

MacArthur, C. A. (1996). Using technology to enhance the writing processes of students with learning disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 29, 344-354.

Trimbur, John. (2000). Composition and the circulation of writing. CCC, 52(2), 188–219.

Palmquist, Mike, Kiefer, Kate, Hartvigsen, James, & Goodlew, Barbara. (1998). Transitions: Teaching writing in computer-supported and traditional classrooms. Greenwich: Ablex Publishing.


1. What does the application attempt to “teach”?

I have chosen the website which offers its users with wide range of exercises like grammar, vocabularies, and many more. With the aim of helping learners to learn English as Second Language (ESL), this website which was developed by The Internet TESL Journal ( has thousands of contributions from teachers all over the world from quizzes, tests, exercises and puzzles, etc. The basic knowledge to learn English like grammar and vocabulary seem to be crucial for ESL learners to master their language learning, thus, this website is the solution for them with just clicks away. Although the exercises provided are not as interactive like what other websites might have, guarantees its users to achieve the success they desired by using the drilling techniques in most of the provided activities in the website.

All of the features in the website are 100% user’s friendly and the menus are simple enough to enable the users to browse and access the website with ease compared to other website. Besides, learners can also access the exercises online and determine their achievement in the ESL learning process by taking the exercises provided. For example, each of the activities will show the learners the percentage that the learners achieved towards the end of every exercise. The full mark of every exercise is 100% and it will reduce if the learner answers one or more question(s) wrongly. This drilling technique is essential for second language learners as it will teach the learners to avoid from making same mistakes like what they did previously.

Besides the ESL learners, this website can also be used by teachers or trainee teachers as the guideline and templates for the educators to use in their teaching process. Teachers sometime may have difficulties on creating exercises for the students. Thus, this website will be the lifebuoy for the educators to get the idea or maybe manipulate some of the provided exercises into new ones for the students’ exercises. Parents can also use this website to give their children the basic knowledge of English in a different, fun and interactive way of learning instead of by using only exercise books. By having exercises like matching the pictures, words shuffle, and language games, there will be no way for the children to resist from learning the language.

2. What sorts of things is the application user expected to do with regards to learning the content?

There is nothing much for the ESL learners to do in order to learn the contents from this website. Unlike other ESL websites that I have browsed, most of them need to do things like registering into the website before the user can access the contents of the website, some required the user to pay quite amount of money so the user can view the full version of the exercise provided in the website, and so forth, which is burdening and create a ‘complex’ life out of the user. Unlike other sites, this website’s contents are all free and users can access the contents without having the need to register into the website. What is expected from the user to learn the content of the website is only by three major things which are good basic of English, vast general knowledge of other countries and basic skill in using the browser.

First thing to be taken into the account of learning the website is to have a basic knowledge of English language. For the low proficiency learner, the website content may cause them a very hard time especially when doing the provided exercises. Thus, ESL learners should have a good foundation of English language in order to access the contents of this website. To have vast general knowledge on others’ countries is also essential for the user of this website as the activities provided in the site may contain questions that related to other countries’ famous people, cultures, history and places. For example, Japanese ESL learners that use this website are expected to know the places in United States. Other example is, in order for the Japanese ESL learners to complete the crosswords puzzle entitled "Countries Where English Is Spoken", the learners have to have a good general knowledge of other countries because the questions will be on the places, the famous people and the language spoken from other countries.

The website is a collaborative project from the internet TESL Journal and thus, educators from all over the world can provide different activities that they want and the activities may contain the general knowledge from their respective countries. Moreover, the website also provides bilingual activities that enable the learners from most countries to learn English language. For example there are Arabic-English, Chinese-English, Norwegian-English and many more to be chosen by the learners which I think makes the website to be different from others.

3. What sorts of computer skills is the application users expected to have in order to operate/access/use the application?

To access, the user is required to have a minimal skill in using the computer because the menus and links provided only require the user to click and browse. Besides, the website has sorted all the activities and exercises according to several categories and difficulties for example Easy for beginner level, Medium for the intermediate learner and difficult for the advance learner. In addition, this website required no additional software or application as it only needs the basic software and application which are common to computer like JavaScript, HTML, and flash player.

4. While you are “playing”/”accessing”/”assessing” the application, does it remind you of anything you do in a classroom, or with a teacher, or with a fellow classmate, or in self-study?

Yes it does. I did experience a few activities that remind me of the activities which I did in a classroom during my school years and also during my experience as a practicum teacher. For instance, is the crosswords puzzle activity in the website. During my school years, my teacher always gave her students crossword puzzles as an activity during her teaching process. She inspired me to do the same to my students during my teaching process as a practicum teacher. This is because; such activity can enhance the students’ interest in learning English language besides to promote the students to learn new vocabularies via the crossword puzzles.

5. Can you pinpoint some theories of language learning and/or teaching underlying the application?

There are two theories of language learning underlying this website which are the structural theory and the cognitive theory. According to J. Scandura, the structural theory, the focus is to propose single, goal-switching control mechanism with minimal assumptions about the processor and allow more complex rule structures. For instance, the activities in this website are sorted into categories according to their level of difficulties like easy, medium and difficult which I believe is one of the principles of the structural theory. The simplest or the easiest activities are put as the first option followed by more difficult activities on the next options.

Next theory of language learning that this website uses is the cognitive theory which is famously created by Jean Piaget. For this website, it uses the cognitive theory of classification which the learners will identify sets of objects according to their appearance, size, or other characteristics, including the idea that one set of objects can include another, under the concrete operational stage. For example of this theory on this website can be seen clearly on the vocabulary section, Noun. For the activity of that section, learners are asked to identify and classify the animal pictures before clicking on the answer.

6. How well is the constructivist theory of learning applied to the chosen website(s)?

From my understanding, the constructivist theory of learning is a type of theory that agrees that the learning process is an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based on their current or past knowledge. Thus, this website basically gets along very well indeed with the theory based on the activities provided in this site which requires the learner to use their schemata to answer the questions with the help of the clues and examples given.

The theory also urges the learner to use their general knowledge or experiences which basically make the student develop their very own readiness to learn something. For example of this principle that can be related to the website, most of the questions which used general knowledge according to the difficulties make the learners feel connected with the scenario and indirectly become interested and motivated to do the activity as the topic of the questions are within their general knowledge. Hence, the website applied the constructivist theory of learning very well and effectively as it will promote motivation and interest to the learners to learn.

7. In 1980s and early 1990s, there was a major debate on ‘whether the computer was “master” of or “slave” to the learning process (Higgins and Johns, 1984). In relation to your evaluation - was the computer a replacement for teachers, or merely an obedient servant to students?

I couldn’t agree more on the statement ‘whether the computer was ‘’master’’ of or ‘’slave‘’ to the learning process’ (Higgins and Johns, 1984) because as people from the computer generation, we tend to rely on the computer on our learning process including everyday chores and that makes the computer is neither our slave or we as the master to the computer itself. However there are pros and cons of using computer in our learning process. For the advantages, computer can be an interesting way of learning as it promotes interactive and fun way of learning atmosphere for the students. Besides, the computer also helps teacher in building interesting lesson plans whenever the teachers got problems in developing interactive and fun way of teaching and learning. As for the disadvantages, computer can never be as same as from our human nature that has the empathy towards each other when it comes to understanding the learners’ level of proficiency during the learning process.

Alas, I believe that computer is a useful tool which has its own advantages and disadvantages. There is no term like a ‘’master’’ or ‘’slave’’ in using computer in learning process as it helps the learners and also the teachers during learning process. As for the learners, it helps them to enhance their interest in learning while for the teachers, computer will help them in developing interesting lessons so that the lessons will be interesting and can grab the students’ attention which they will have more fun learning atmosphere during the learning process.

8. Would you like to use the application yourself in your future work?

Yes? Give reasons:

No? Give reasons:

Yes, totally. I would love to use this website in my future work as an educator for my future students. Though the layout of the website is simple and the menus are kind of straightforward, the website’s contents are very useful and interesting enough for me. I bet others will love it too because it is easy to access and very users’ friendly. Thus, I highly recommend for the ESL learners to use this application/website as the reference and materials for them to sharpen their knowledge of English language. Moreover, as an educator, this website will surely help me if I encounter problems in preparing interactive lessons for my future students. Thousands of materials can be choose in the website and all of those are readily sorted according to the level of difficulties which will make life of an educators and learners easier.


I will give the credits to this website for its efforts to make language learning a fun thing to do besides it also helps teachers to prepare interesting lesson plan for the students during classroom teaching. I do recommend all educators to use this website to improve their teaching because this website not only focus on learning English language alone but also provide the us the general knowledge about other countries too. As for the suggestions to improve this website, I believe that this website should have more vibrant colours because it is believed that vibrant colours and animations can help the learners to remember what they have learned more effectively. Overall, I am pleased with this website because it has everything that a language learner needs to improve their learning process as the website provide such an interactive and fun learning atmosphere to the users.


Activities for ESL Students (

Structural Learning Theory (J. Scandura) ( )