Monday, April 18, 2011



Form: 5 Merah

Date: 17th March 2011 (Thursday)

Subject: English

Time: 80 Minutes (10.40am – 12.00pm)

Topic: Dangers of getting into bad habit

Level: Intermediate

Theme: Health

General Objective:

1.2 Take part in social interaction by

a. Carrying out a variety of language functions

b. Discussing plans and arrangements, solving problems, and making decisions.

Specific Objective: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

Level 1

i. Asking about one’s health / physical state.

ii. Asking one to think about / decide on something.

iii. Persuading someone not to do something.

iv. Asking about satisfaction and expressing satisfaction

Learning outcome

Make friends and keep friendships by:

1. Introducing oneself

2. Taking part in conversations and discussions;

3. Exchanging ideas, information and opinions on topics of interest.

Language Skills:

  • Reading
  • Speaking
  • Listening


1. To give information on health education

2. Have a positive outlook and act appropriately in social situations; and

3. Show awareness on the importance of having a healthy lifestyle.


- Language for Interpersonal use

- Language for Informational use

Technical Requirements:

- One computer per group, with an Internet connection, a Web Browser, handouts.

- Websites:




1. Find sites that are related to the dangers and bad effects of smoking cigarettes.

2. Check sites before lesson.

Reference(s): Huraian Sukatan Pelajaran KBSM – Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 5 (2003),




Set Induction:

(5 Minutes)

Teacher builds rapport with the students and asks them whether they can identify any smokers among their family and friends. Teacher then asks the students to list down any diseases that one can get from smoking cigarettes.


(70 Minutes)

Step 1: Teacher distributes handouts entitled ‘Dangers of Smoking’ and randomly asks several students to read aloud the text in front of the class. Teacher will explain unfamiliar terms or words in the text and assists the students’ reading process whenever they got problems. Teacher collects the handouts.

Step 2: Students are told to get into groups of four students. Each group will be working together using one computer.

Step 3: The teacher will write down the websites’ link on the whiteboard and asks the groups to enter the website on the topic ‘Dangers of Smoking’.

Step 4: Students are allowed to watch the videos for two times only and while watching the videos, teacher asks every group to lists down the danger and the effects of smoking cigarettes contained in the videos.

Step 5: Teacher assigns each group to discuss on the effects of smoking on the 1) Individual 2) Family 3) Society 4) Environment. Each group will be given one category. For example, the first group will discuss on the effect of smoking to an individual.

Step 6: Teacher will provide the students with mahjong paper and marker pens for their presentations later on. Teacher assists the whole activity.

Step 7: Teacher randomly select a few groups to present their topics and give comments and intrinsic motivations to the groups’ presentations.


(5 Minutes)

Teacher concludes the lesson by congratulating all students for a job well done.


Teacher asks the students to write a simple essay on the ‘Dangers of Smoking’ based on their main points from the previous activities and submit the exercise during the next lesson.


Dangers of Smoking

There are many dangers of smoking to the body, to the immediate family, to the society, to the environment and to the economy. More than 700 chemical additives are found in cigarettes. Some of them are classified as toxic and are not allowed in food. Once lit, a cigarette reaches a temperature of nearly 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. This high heat helps release thousands of chemical compounds, including poisons like carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide, at least 43 carcinogens, and numerous mutagens. All of these are drawn into the body when a smoker inhales.

One of the main dangers of smoking is due to Nicotine. Nicotine is found naturally in tobacco. It has no odor and no color. It is, however, both physically and psychologically addictive, and it causes those who use it to want to smoke one cigarette after another. Nicotine enters the body as tiny droplets resting on particles of tar in cigarette smoke. Inhaled into the lungs, the drug passes quickly into the bloodstream, reaching the brain within about 10 seconds. In another 5 to 10 seconds the nicotine has spread to all parts of the body.

The nicotine raises both the heart rate and blood pressure. The smoker quickly feels more alert and relaxed. In less than 30 minutes, however, about half of the nicotine has left the bloodstream, and the smoker starts feeling less alert, more edgy. So he or she reaches for another cigarette to get a new “hit” of nicotine. Over time, the smoker starts needing more cigarettes throughout the day to satisfy the craving.

There are other dangers of smoking as well. The tar from tobacco smoke starts to accumulate on the bronchial tubes leading to the lungs. The hot smoke burns the tiny hairlike projections (called cilia) that trap harmful particles before they enter the lungs. One more of the dangers of smoking are Carbon monoxide. Smoking also increases the level of carbon monoxide in the lungs. This poisonous gas is quickly absorbed into the blood, reducing its capacity to carry oxygen. As a result, the smoker has to exert more physical effort to attain a given task than does a nonsmoker. The heart in particular must work harder, particularly during rigorous exercise. Increased levels of carbon monoxide in the blood can impair vision, perception of time, and coordination.

Smoking is the one of the main cause of death every year. Smoking cause number of smoke related diseases such as lung cancer (Smoking and Lung Cancer), respiratory problems and heart ailments and these dangers of smoking are increasing yearly. Certain breathing disabilities are also the dangers of smoking. It could also result in a decreased capability to enjoy physical capabilities because of the ailment or side effects like breathing problems. Smoking leads to reduction in life expectancy.

Over the years a smoker will be more likely to develop respiratory ailments, thickening of the arteries, blood clots, cancer of the lung, cervix, larynx, mouth, esophagus, bladder, pancreas, and kidney, and emphysema, as well as exhibit symptoms such as reduced stamina, poor athletic performance, wheezing, coughing, dizziness, and nausea.

In time, a smoker suffers increased resistance to the flow of air into the lungs and reduced lung capacity. Besides these serious problems, prolonged tobacco use leads to stained teeth and fingers and bad breath. Even a smoker’s clothes and living quarters tend to smell of tobacco.